Saturday, April 14, 2012


Where is my Charlie Brown shirt? He said it best. "Arrgg" carries deep meaning with me. Fat. Broke. Discouraged. Overwhelmed. Did I mention discouraged? Oh, yes I did. See I attribute that to the millions of thoughts running through my head that have kept me up since 3 AM. Life has been slapping me around enough I almost feel like saying, "Cut me Mick".

But ENOUGH. I am a firm believer in conviction, or God talking to me and putting things on my heart. No, I am not looney, scooters, or insane. I am a guy who has not been leaning on his Heavenly Father like I should. As a result, this portly nurse practitioner who daily counsels people regarding mental health finds himself discouraged and picking myself off the canvas of life.

Sure, I could stay down and take the 10 count. That is what would be easiest thing to do, but easy got me in this mess! It is mid afternoon and a Saturday. I am spending the day listening to a webinar on how I should be doing my business. Sadly, if I DID anything with my business, the poor host of the webinar would not literally be wasting his time. Fear and procrastination have been my business partners this far, but I am firing them.

There are a handful of authors/individuals who I read and admire. A couple I have met and admire them even more. The other two I hope to meet one day and thank them. The two I have met are Lee Arnold and Annie Armen. Lee is a real estate investor like no other. Annie goes by the name "Hurricane"and she is the most intensely positive person alive. She is a hidden treasure that more people should investigate. The two I have not met are Tim Ferriss and Jen Hatmaker. Ferriss is known for the "4 Hour Work Week" and along with Annie, someone I quote daily in my work as an ARNP. And Ms. Hatmaker wrote a book about the excesses in our lives today and it touched me deeply.

Now, what have I to lose if I just got radical and crazy with my life? I mean, what if I really prioritize prayer, seek God and LISTEN to Him? What if I became a ZEALOT and focused all my attention and intent of serving Him in EVERYTHING I do and clean my temple of the junk that clutters my body, mind, soul and heart? What if I approached PEOPLE, SITUATIONS and LIFE in a completely different manner? Not sure it could get worse.

In the spirit of Ferriss and Hatmaker, I, too, am starting an experiment and this blog will chronicle the journey. Maybe it will help someone who feels like me today. I am calling it Zealous Intentions. it is for life, health and business.

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