Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let me introduce to you…

I have been blessed by meeting some pretty remarkable people in my life. I am going to introduce you to one that I have not mentioned. His name is Paul Finck. To say Paul is a life coach is like saying crème Brule is just pudding. I love my analogies when I am fasting, but I digress. Paul is one of those guys that after you spend the first 15 minutes with him, you’d swear you went to kindergarten with him. He has such a genuine quality to him that a person is naturally drawn to him.

I recommend checking out his website. In one of his programs, he talks about taking a “quantum leap” with your life. The information I am going to share is strongly influenced by his general outline and suggestions with my own Zealous touch.

1. Absolutely do things differently than you have ever done them, simply for the sake of changing them. Honestly, if one is not getting the results desired, something has must give. I want to be a lean, mean physically fit stud muffin but brownies and my peanut butter addiction makes me look more like an over sized blueberry muffin.

2. Suspend your belief that trying harder is the only way to succeed. I have struggled with this for my entire life. The key is working SMARTER (and thus the reason I have possibly struggled)

3. Act ‘as if” with complete faith (fake it until you make it) Faith sometimes means believing when you cannot actually see what you believe. God wants his children to succeed. I feel this deep down in my soul.

4. Tolerate the confusion in your life (changing everything leads to confusion) Paul is so right but my mind tells me blow this one off and put my head in the sand. Dog owners will understand this: ever speak to your dog and they hold really still because they feel they have become invisible? If you do not cause change and confusion, your life will not and cannot change. CHANGE is essential, so therefore confusion must be embraced.

5. Take your risks. This is hard because risks are, um, risky! Geez, that is what makes a risk so difficult to entertain. Instead of focusing on something bad happening with a risk taken, just know the something is bound to happen. A person has an equal chance of something amazing happening as something terrible happening.

6. Trust the outcome. I work in a prison and a term around here is “it is what it is”. An outcome is just that. An outcome can then be made a new staring place that requires a risk and then a different outcome happens. Poof..it’s magic.

7. Seek to fail. Well, I have never SOUGHT it, but I sure have found it. Seriously, I have failed because I did not follow all of Paul’s suggestions here. I have avoided confusion at any cost. I have allowed fear (and STUPID fear at that) to hinder my progress.

8. Absolutely be bold in your actions. Later, I will be writing a blog about lukewarm. But, considering this experiment is called “Zealous Intentions” and not “Mediocre attempts”, I am now sold on boldness.

9. DO it now. Wow, Paul gets me on this one because if there has ever been a guy willing to put things off, I am that guy. I’d show up to accept the prize but I’ll just do it tomorrow. I have literally lost a lot of money by putting things off out of laziness or usually a stupid fear or insecurity

10. Get uncomfortable every day. Yep, that is the goal. Fasting provides a physical discomfort which is great and can prompt me to do something beneficial, even if it hurts a little.

QUANTUM LEAP is huge leap and not a step by step process…Step by step gets you nowhere fast. Jump in and swim or sink. When you talk to Paul, he really and sincerely cannot comprehend the mindset behind going slow. He knows one speed.

Quantum Leap deserves your attention and please look up Paul. If you send him an email, tell him I said “hello”.

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