Of all the resources and all the blogs, the fate of the
Universe and the ONE thing that a friend MUST do will be revealed here today.
There have been countless greeting cards, books and TV movies that depict what
makes a great friend. I know, there have been many catchy tunes that have
revealed secrets of friendship.
Friend has a simple enough definition. The online dictionary
defines friend as “a person attached to another by personal feelings of
affection or regard”. Many, including myself, hold a much deeper definition of
friend. Friends are like 5 pound diamond: rare and extremely valuable. Reaching
“friend” status takes a lot of time and effort, and the effort is well worth
Another concern I have with that store bought definition is
that it eliminates everything except humans. I have had dogs that have lived up
to “man’s best friend” and my son has a stuffed Goofy who could not be a better
So what is THE secret to being a good friend and what can we
all improve on to strengthen our friendships? What is THE ONE THING?...
Many people claim to be great listeners and it is a quality
that we all wish we had. Go ahead. Ask some people you know or work with and
ask them what their better qualities are. I bet most will say they are good
listeners. And, when they tell you that, just smile and nod knowing you heard
it from me first.
We are not going to get all complex and breakdown
communication into a 50 page dissertation that also cures insomnia. Most of the
time, topics with big theoretical components rarely make sense in everyday
life. I am cutting this down to the core and will give you sound suggestions
for improving your listening skills. Yes, listening is a skill and needs to be
developed. Listening goes along with participation. Face it. We like “us” and
we want to be the one in the spotlight. Our needs, wants and “don’t wants” come
first and we are told to “look out for number one.” Talking is a selfish act
and listening is mostly a self-less act. Two completely different mind sets
exist here and communication depends on the balance between the two. Now it is
time to divulge the practical guide to effective listening.
I realize that those words are crude and even banned in some
households, but this is a no holds barred blog post. To be an effective and
caring listener, one has to be quiet and allow the other person to talk.
Get Rid of Distractions
Stop texting, reading or watching TV while someone is
speaking to you. Instead, invest all of your attention on the person needing a
friend. Nothing drives me crazier than someone paying more attention to a text
or any other distraction than to me.
Pay Attention
This is not the same as controlling distractions. Paying
attention means focusing on what is being said to you and not on what your
likely response will be. Do not merely listen to words, but also how the person
speaks and all the nonverbal cues they give in posture, expression and
Do NOT Judge
Your place as a friend is not to dispense judgment. Finding
someone who is non -judgmental is really difficult. You might have to listen to
someone who does not share your values or ideas. I can tell you if you start
judging, you will stop the much needed communication
Clarify to Prompt More Discussion
Clarifying and confirming what you hear shows the other
person you really ARE listening. Clarification proves important because often a
person just lets loose of what is troubling them and may be hard to follow.
See, 5 easy steps to being a better listener. I know there
are other ways to improve listening and I hope you feel like sharing some tips
in the comments section. Take time and listen to someone today as you never
know if that will be your last interaction with that person.