Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meet my guest blogger: Missy Radune

I have had the opportunity to meet people who I admire. Working in health care allowed me to meet Missy. I have read many of her Facebook posts and have felt uplifted and motivated by her words. I am not a selfish guy. I am sharing her words with you. 

First, I would like to thank John for asking me to contribute to his blog. It means a lot to me that he believes that I may be able to say something that may help someone. I will start by introducing myself. I am Missy Radune. I am a nurse for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Chillicothe, Ohio. I met John while he was working in a Veterans Community Based Outpatient Clinic. I am honored to call him a friend.  I have been married for 15 years to the most amazing man ever. We have three children. Connor, a seventh grader, Baleigh, a fourth grader, and our miracle son Cooper who is 4.  I have had many struggles in life but know that with God anything is possible.

I grew up in a small Christian Holiness Church in Kentucky, no, no snake handling. One thing that I learned growing up was the power and God in any situation, IF you give it all to God.

As I grew up, I would see many people’s lives changing. I would see parents praying for their children. I would hear children praying for their parents. I would see the love of a parent and a child; a love like no other.

I began to realize when I married and started having a family the sacrifice that God gave to us, by allowing his son to die for our sins. I could not imagine allowing one of my three children to be sacrificed so that others would be saved. But God loved us that much. God loved me even before he knew me, just like my parents loved me before they ever held me. Just like I had love for my three children the minute I knew God had blessed me with them.

Imagine what it must have been like for God to know that his son would have to die. Not just a normal death, such as a heart attack or death from old age, but Jesus had to suffer. Jesus had to give it all to God and say, “I’m yours, let it be finished.” Do you think that Jesus struggled in turning everything over to God? I think so, when he asked why he had been forsaken. God doesn’t want us  to suffer. God doesn’t want to us to hold anything back. God wants it all, the good, the bad and the ugly. God wants to take our lives, no matter how important or how minute and turn it into something wonderful.

Do I struggle in giving it all to God? Sure, an Christian does at some point in their life. What I strive for is to take one day at a time. As obstacles come before me, I try to focus on how God wants me to handle them. If I can’t do that alone, I ask God to help me. Life isn’t easy. I try to remember that with each curve ball that life throws at me, God is in the outfield. He is making sure that I can make around the bases because all God wants is for each of us to make it “HOME”.

Philippians 4:11 I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

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