Here is a story for you. We are going to get this really old guy who is a farmer by trade. We are going to ask him to hand build an enormous boat. He has never seen a boat but he is up to the task. Additionally, he is going to gather up all the animals and make sure they make it on this boat. Oh, and the best part, this old man has 200 years to complete this boat.
I have another one. There is a nation that is known for war. I mean, that is all the Wiki site says about them: "They are very bad dudes and they make war". They eat, sleep and fight and might give up the first two. In their ranks is the biggest, baddest killer on the planet. He is HUGE and he is battle tested and just the sight of him is scary (not to mention the smell which is a weapon of mass destruction in itself). But, he loses his life in a battle with a teenage boy and a slingshot. It was the kid's first experience in mortal combat.
Both of these stories sound impossible and the things that tall tales are made of. Impossible, and the notion of impossibility, come from our own minds (much like fear). For years, it was "impossible" for man to run a mile under 4 minutes and for a man to fly.
We, as humans, succumb to impossible way too much. Humans fail to conceive the power and magnitude of God. Nothing is impossible (My son Mathias constantly sings a song with these words in the lyrics) when it is God's will. Jesus speaks simply and directly about this in Luke 18:27:
27 Jesus replied, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.”
So now an example closer to home. Anyone who has known me for a while would have told you I would have been the least likely person they knew to complete a 40 day fast. I was the master of findng loose change for snacks and knew the cost of my favorite value meals to the penny. I was an eating machine. But, God placed on my heart the need for a fast and He took me by the arm and I finished 40 days. That was a miracle and I would have never thought it possible.
Life presents challenges, tragedies, happiness and dreams. All of those things make us human. God can deliver so much more than our minds can conceive. Sometimes, it takes us getting out of our own way and letting God work in our lives. If you think surrendering that kind of control is impossible, ah ha, think again, because nothing is impossible. Don't make me get all cheesy and remind you all that "IMPOSSIBLE" is nothing more than "I (a)M POSSIBLE".
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