This is the plan that I intend on following. To me, it seems a bit daunting but isn't being a radical zealot all about being over the top? I figure that the experts who say it takes 21 days to create a habit did not understand my ability to procrastinate. So, in order to account for the John Factor, I am going to allow for 30 days.
My zealous efforts will tackle ALL of my issues at the same time. I am taking into account as many variables as I can and I have 7 distinct focal points. Funny how that works out to match days in a week, but God knows how I operate.
Sunday. Day of REST. No thinking about work. I will conduct no business at all and will devote my day to my family and maybe a nap.
Monday. I am calling this my "prep" day and it will be a day I focus on prayer, fasting and seeking God. I am hoping to get involved in a men's group at church as well.
Tuesday. Love Day. You know, Jesus also commanded for us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. When I listen to the self talk going on in my head, I am not too loving towards myself. So, I am falling short of loving others as well. This day will continue the prayer and fasting because I need all the supernatural blessing I can stand.
Wednesday. Soul Day. This begins the "Big 4" of soul, mind, heart and strength. Since Soul Day requires exploration with my Heavenly Father, I believe a day of fasting and prayer are in order.
Thursday. Heart Day. This day also takes into consideration the tongue (read James) and sadly, I have a sarcastic and bitter tongue and this area of life needs a whole lot of work. This will be the last day of the week that I fast, but prayer and lots of it are necessary for growth.
Friday. Mind Day. The week has been long, the candle is being consumed on both ends and my JOB week is complete. My business week has been plugging along and I know I will need a day in which I focus on my disposition, outlook and witness. And I eat today so that should help.
Saturday. Body and Strength Day. I chose Saturday for a reason. I plan on doing 5K runs in the near future, both as a way of measuring my efforts but also as a witnessing tool and opportunity. I plan on eating today as well as on my Sabbath.
That is the rundown of how I will approach my life with Zealous Intention. So, each topic gets a day of the week and each topic needs 30 days to sink in my big old hard head, so I am looking at the experiment lasting 30 weeks. Basically, I will be fasting Monday through Thursday. Fasting, for me, has significance and its purpose is to teach me humility, bring me closer to God's will and lean on Him during this time when I am discouraged by setbacks in my physical, personal and financial life. Also, by being totally dependent on Him, I can more enthusiastically follow his 2 commandments.
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