First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read my
blog. I appreciate each and every one of you. This blog defines and symbolizes
a very different path for my life. I realize some of you will end up liking me
more while some of you will like me less and question my sanity. It is ok, as
my sanity has been questioned before and I realize sane may be overrated.
Regardless, know that I thank God for the pleasure of knowing you.
This blog exposes me in a very raw way. You may learn
details that you did not know and details that not everyone shares. I expect
that some of my family members and closest friends may question my motives and
might criticize me for my efforts. That is ok with me because I feel that some
self -disclosure is needed.
My personal testimony has never been as visible as with this
blog. I sincerely feel that God has a hand, not only in my life, but also in
this blog. Initially, I thought I would put my writings out in the “blog world”
and I would get whatever traffic and readership by those who stumbled to my
site. Oddly, I have done very little on Facebook for many months as I have had
technical difficulties associated with the site. Then, for the life of me, I
could not recall the password. I woke up from a nap today and the correct
password came to me.
So, if you have come to my blog through my post on Facebook,
I want to tell you how much it means to me you actually did come and check me
out in this format. I ask for your prayers as I intend to educate, inspire and
entertain you with my writings and above all else, I want to make each of you
think. I want to write stuff that sticks to your ribs. Things that, out of the
blue, come back in your mind like an annoying jingle. Not annoying in a bad
way, but rather in a way that makes you smile or even chuckle if I am having particularly
good day writing.
And remember, if y’all read things on my blog and then
mention it to my mom or mother in law, well, that’s ok. I don’t think they will
be surprised that I may have lost my mind. (For the record, Denise has long
known that I ain’t right.)
May God bless you
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