It has been a while since I posted and the title looks as if the heat of Florida has finally gotten to me. I am a big self reflector. Sometimes that is healthy and sometimes merely aggravating. This time, I am not sure which one it is but the focus of my soul searching revolves around effort. For instance, my blogs have been scarce lately and that all falls on me. My real estate activity recently has been lower than expected and, well, my real estate efforts have been less than active. I am beginning to see a correlation between effort and results. And I did not need my Sherlock Holmes hat.
But why and how does that pertain to the title of the blog. I am referring to Stonewall Jackson, John Wooden and, well, Jesus Christ. I suppose that one was a given huh?
Stonewall Jackson, an iconic Confederate General, led an interesting life in addition to many men to victory. To say he was eccentric would be like saying LeBron James plays a little ball. He sucked on lemons, felt pepper was not good for his health and memorized the lectures he gave while teaching. He had a couple of sayings that I think certainly can drive home the importance of effort.
You will run into naysayers, critics and downright mean people. How you deal with them will determine if you let their evil intentions rob you of your zealous intentions. Remember this Stonewall-ism when we get to the last guy.
So basically, do what you feel is worthy and useful and do not let anyone or anything stop you. Maybe it is an athletic pursuit. Maybe it is looking for a job. Maybe it is building your business by picking up that 300 pound phone. If it is worth doing, then just do it. I guess that creates a "Stonewall Jackson meets Bo Jackson".
Coach John Wooden's name warms the hearts all all basketball fans and coaches. The man defined college basketball through his career. He has inspired coaches, players, fans and people everywhere. I use Coach Wooden's words all the time in my life. And my 2 favorites are:
Do NOT fall prey to "paralysis by analysis". This means if the opportunity looks good, then add your favorite cliche..(strike while the iron is hot, opportunity only knocks once, don't look a gift horse in the mouth). A fast pace to life ensures you are not merely existing but experiencing life at its fullest.
That says a lot, doesn't it? This one statement forces a person to accept responsibility for whatever is in their life. I talk to people daily who do not actively seek employment or opportunity yet become frustrated and befuddled that they have no money. What does it take to succeed? Prepare for success and following Stonewall #2 after heeding the Coach's words.
Jesus. I do not feel that He needs much of an introduction. It seems people either love or hate Him. If one looks just at His writings, He offers some amazing advice that if lovers and haters followed, our world would be a better place.
This teaching almost becomes cliche and that is a shame as it loses its power that way. Treat others the way you want treated. Do you want constantly criticized? Do you want people to gossip about you? Do you want people to manipulate you or your feelings? I didn't think so.
OK, for the sake of argument, let us apply this to ANYTHING we do in life and not just to loving God. If you go to work, put your heart, soul, mind and strength in it. If you are trying to stop smoking or lose weight, do the same. I don't know about you, but I usually unintentionally miss on one of the four. At work, I may be giving decent effort but my mind is elsewhere one day or my soul is missing from my work another day. I guess this also means do whatever you do to the best of your ability (see now apply Stonewall again)
I could have added a couple of others to the list today. Special consideration goes to Albert Einstein, Paul Finck, Annie Armen and to others who make me think on a daily basis. Stonewall, Coach and Jesus never seemed to understand the lukewarm approach. I, personally, fight the water temperature in my life. I resolve to crank up the heat.
Ahh...hello again. Glad to see you are sharing your wonderful insights with us once again. They help me alot. I agree with everything you have mentioned. My grandmother used to say, "Whether it is something big or something small, anything worth doing is worth doing well. Always put your best into it, no matter what "it" is." I miss her, alot.
ReplyDeleteLike you have mentioned, I cannot always seem to get all things working together. If I am strong in several areas, I seem to suffer a deficit in another. Home, school, and work going well, something is off with me personally..the elements are interchangeable, but there is usually one area that just doesn't flow well when all else does.
Maybe one day I'll get it right, lol. In the mean time, I keep on trying...:D