I never realized that I in fact had certain catch phrases. I am constantly trying to improve my professional skills so I pay attention and analyze my choice of words. One habit I am working on is the overuse of "so". I use it to continue professional assessments and continue the flow of a conversation. I really over use "so" and that is a focal point of my continual quality improvement. So (doh!) that being said, I have also discovered I have 4 catch phrases I use pretty frequently. Additionally, I mockingly use one of Dr. Phil's (BTW, not a fan).."How's that working for ya?"
"It is what it is.". Ah, I really like this one and it was introduced to me by one of my friends. Then, I went to work in corrections and I found that it is used all the time by everyone. For me, I think the phrase means that you are given a situation and you must take it at face value. Eckhart Tolle, a respected teacher and author, wrote "Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you have chosen it.". Both phrases have the same inherent meaning. Take a situation for what it is and then, if you want to change it, do something to force a change. "It is what it is" does not allow for a person to assume the role of a victim. It merely assesses that new starting point of a situation that requires attention. For instance (I had to erase "so"), my tire goes flat on the truck. I hate it, but "it is what it is" and I make a plan to fix the tire.
"How do you eat an elephant?" Of course the answer is one bite at a time. I see a great number of people that have excessive and uncontrollable worry and stress. They want to conquer the world and wanted to do that 3 days ago. Don't get me wrong, I think setting goals is a great thing but people (including me) have to be patient and take the goal in smaller steps. Break down the big goal (elephant) and break it down into 'bite-sized' portions. This also brings me in a first runner up of Hipes Catch Phrases by using "Inch by inch is a cinch and yard by yard it's hard."
Perception is reality. If I think that the weather is too hot, there will be someone who thinks it is too cool. Although I know they are wrong, I must admit that, to them, it is too cold. Each of us sees a situation in a different light. Again, I see this in my professional work when a person may acknowledge the countless faults of their spouse, but dismiss them and feel that their spouse is perfect for them. I canot convince you that my perception is your reality.
Limits exist only in the mind. This one has been on my mind a lot since I challenged myself to lose 100 pounds in 100 days.Wow did that bring the people out of the woodwork telling me that it was unsafe and impossible without risking my health. My morbid obesity threatens my health everyday and how many people has gastric bypass yearly? In the 1950s, it was believed that no one could run a mile under 4 minutes.Cars were not supposed to catch on either, as well as planes and computers. WE place limits on our lives and situations. My God knows know limits. Nothing has been too big for God. I am indeed focused on making it to 100 pounds in 100 days.
Do any of you have any catch phrases? Do you have any words you just use too much?
Good afternoon.
ReplyDeleteI don't use any one catch phrase too often, I don't think. Still thinking, though. I just talk too much in general. Sometimes without the filter that most people have that keeps one from putting their foot in their mouth. But,(here it is)"You'll have that sometimes". There.
Regarding the well meaning people who would be your naysayers in your quest, this quote came immediately to mind:
"Don't ever let somebody tell you....You can't do something. You gotta a dream...you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you, you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period".~Will Smith's portrayal of Christopher Garner in The Pursuit of Happiness. I love that movie.
People who have had gastric bypass and lap band surgery lose similar amounts of weight in similar time frames. Taking in the correct nutrients while significantly lowering can be done safely. I would think that you have knowledge of how to do that.